Needle Sharpness & Puncture Resistance Testing
Hypodermic needles are tested to determine how their design influences the ease of insertion into the skin in order to prevent patient pain and skin trauma. They are also tested to determine the force required for the needle to pass through the elastomeric closure in accordance with ISO 8362-7.
The ‘hardness’ of elastomers is also measured to ensure smooth needle penetration without ‘blunting’ the needle.
In this webinar and live demonstration you will learn about the importance of needle sharpness/ puncture testing, how to select the ideal tester and fixtures, what a typical test looks like, as well as factors that affect consistent and repeatable testing.
What You’ll Learn in the Webinar and Live Demonstration:
- Overview of Puncture and Penetration Force Testing
- The importance of Needle Sharpness / puncture testing
- Industries that Use Puncture Testing
- Selecting the Ideal Testing Equipment
- Selecting the Ideal Test Fixtures
- Measuring Puncture (Peak) and Penetration (Average) Forces
- Measuring Removal Force
- Establishing Pass/Fail Criteria
- Troubleshooting Inconsistent test results or non-repeatable tests
Who should attend?
Manufacturing, Production and Quality Managers and Engineers involved in:
- Pharmaceutical and Medical Device
- Medical Vial Rubber Seal Manufacturers